Chapter 2 - Exploring Symfony's Code
At first glance, the code behind a symfony-driven application can seem quite daunting. It consists of many directories and scripts, and the files are a mix of PHP classes, HTML, and even an intermingling of the two. You'll also see references to classes that are otherwise nowhere to be found within the application folder, and the directory depth stretches to six levels. But once you understand the reason behind all of this seeming complexity, you'll suddenly feel like it's so natural that you wouldn't trade the symfony application structure for any other. This chapter explains away that intimidated feeling.
The MVC Pattern
Symfony is based on the classic web design pattern known as the MVC architecture, which consists of three levels:
* The Model represents the information on which the application operates--its business logic.
* The View renders the model into a web page suitable for interaction with the user.
* The Controller responds to user actions and invokes changes on the model or view as appropriate.
Figure 2-1 illustrates the MVC pattern.
The MVC architecture separates the business logic (model) and the presentation (view), resulting in greater maintainability. For instance, if your application should run on both standard web browsers and handheld devices, you just need a new view; you can keep the original controller and model. The controller helps to hide the detail of the protocol used for the request (HTTP, console mode, mail, and so on) from the model and the view. And the model abstracts the logic of the data, which makes the view and the action independent of, for instance, the type of database used by the application.
Figure 2-1 - The MVC pattern

### MVC Layering
To help you understand MVC's advantages, let's see how to convert a basic PHP application to an MVC-architectured application. A list of posts for a weblog application will be a perfect example.
#### Flat Programming
In a flat PHP file, displaying a list of database entries might look like the script presented in Listing 2-1.
Listing 2-1 - A Flat Script
List of Posts
List of Posts
Date | Title |
printf("\t\t %s | \n", $row['date']);
printf("\t\t %s | \n", $row['title']);
echo "\t\n";
That's quick to write, fast to execute, and impossible to maintain. The following are the major problems with this code:
* There is no error-checking (what if the connection to the database fails?).
* HTML and PHP code are mixed, even interwoven together.
* The code is tied to a MySQL database.
#### Isolating the Presentation
The `echo` and `printf` calls in Listing 2-1 make the code difficult to read. Modifying the HTML code to enhance the presentation is a hassle with the current syntax. So the code can be split into two parts. First, the pure PHP code with all the business logic goes in a controller script, as shown in Listing 2-2.
Listing 2-2 - The Controller Part, in `index.php`
List of Posts
List of Posts